Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's all about loving everyone

Q) If a Bollywood movie were to be made on Vishnoi's wife cheating on him, what would it be called ?

A) Kabhi Bushy Kabhi Hum


Shrini said...

what wud be the movie name if vishnoi's wife is having an affair with Bolli?

Kabhi bushy kabhi bum

Golu said...

Q) What would be the sequel to the movie if Bushy shot blanks ?
A) Kabhi Bushy Kabhi Cum

:PPP grossmax I know

raghu said...

jus started readin the bloggy.. nw im gettin the joke..hahah!

vishnoi said...

thanks for so much appreciation. golax.. u grossed me out with ur last one :P