Tuesday, June 06, 2006

friday movies


Q. how do mutants impregnate women?
A. with Z-men

Q. why did magneto go to the loo?
A. to gather all the moothants

Da Vinci Code

Q. if iitians were given the task of protecting the lineage of Christ, what would the group be called?
A. Priory of Kanjur-Marg

Q. how did the chicken get to the other side?
A. by crossing the Da Vinci Road

Q. how did the princess marry the prince?
A. by kissing the Da Vinci Toad

-hashish, shrini, kekde

1 comment:

Golu said...

Q. how do mutants impregnate women?
A. with C-men

why didnt u give this answer ???